Wednesday, March 29, 2006

To My Husband

Thank you for tking care of the dinner dishes yesterday.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Final Exam

Well dennis takes his "exit exam" for his college today. He is nevous but I think that he will do well. Not too much else going on. I'm planning the FHE but with Dennis' exam we may end up pushing it back to Wed.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Our Date Night

Well tonight is our date night and we are going to Friday Night Fever. The University puts it on every friday to encourage the students from drinking. Tonight they are showing the movie "fun with Dick and Jane" and then they are going to bring in the big blow-up activities like slides and bouncing fun house.We are looking forward to the fun.

Raif is getting bigger and this morning I noticed that he was putting his hands together (a developmental step) and he is starting to stay awake longer during the day.

We have also start some treasure hunting with my new GPS (I got it from a Pawn shop but it new to me). We started on that has several caches to find. The first was a Lost Dog poster with the next coordinates on it. What a find! Today we are going out to find the next clue.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tiny Toes Posted by Picasa

Raif Posted by Picasa

First Day

Well I heard about this website and thought that I'd try it out. Hello to all my family hope you check in often.