Saturday, August 07, 2010

Finishing the fair

I spent the last two weeks getting ready for the Jerome County Fair. I made a toilet monster and a two headed pipe monster for our table display. We also drug out the minigolf dragon for the booth. Now I'm ready to lay back and chill for a bit until Ronin's birthday at the end of this next week. Dennis has been working at the Kiwanis fair booth every night this last week and now will start putting together a cardboard boat for his branch of the bank. That's right a card board boat. It has to float and carry at least one person. The Twin Falls city council is hosting the competition later this month and the bank has decided that each of their branches will come up with a boat. Dennis was put in charge of Jerome's. Needless to say he will probably be gone most of this next week as well. He was hoping that I could help more but I have had the fair to worry about. That and someone has to stay with the kids:)