Friday, May 30, 2008

Ok so maybe once a month:)

Mom and Dad Cockrell just headed out from visiting with us. We got to have them for a whole week and loved it. Raif was really excited to get grandpa up in the morning and have him read him books.

My parents have been called out to Oklahoma where they are planning to be for TWO months. This time Brenda will run the rentals, I'll do BZ work (with Alma running the truck) and Isabella running the farm. They will leave in the middle of June.

We finally got our garden in (thanks to Mom and Dad Cockrell's help) and can't wait for something to start growing. I did plant a large cherry tomato plant that should be producing soon but I kind of think that may be cheating:)

I'm also putting together a large activity for the YW to do while they are doing the temple celebration. I'll try to post the general idea of it later