At Raif's last Doctor's appt. he weighted in below the average 3% range (it's like dropping off the chart) So the doctor says that we should give him a bottle a day with formula+ milk and that I should wait until 6 months to start him on solids, breastfeeding as long as I could. Personally I started experimenting with my diet. I cut all products that normally cause problems out of my diet and still had some fussy feedings SO I tried eating normally and didn't have a fussy feeding that entire day. One fussy feeding the next, anyway I starting to think that it may not be anything that I'm eating, except chocolate.
I have been doing some research and there is something called dysphagia that has similar symptoms to reflux. Basically with dysphagia the baby doesn't swallow right and some liquid gets down their windpipe. (this could be why he's chronically cogested). They can do a MBS (modified barium swallow to see if that is what it is but we would do anything until we get to Idaho. Another reason I think this may be it is that some of the symptoms sounds like Dennis as a kid: refusal of the breast or bottle and untreated it can lead to ear infections . His uncle (a Dentist) also noticed that Dennis didn't swallow correctly. So we'll see.
Still working on packing and again I am glad that we started early so that we have time to clean and repair (why Pepper desided to chew on the side of the house we still haven't figuired out but we now have 4 ft. of it to replace) and visit with family while they are here. Hope to see everyone soon!!!